Resort hotel SLAVSKYY

Location: 35, Ustyyanovycha Street, village of Slavske, Skolivskyy district,     Lviv region.

Rooms and Suites: One of the biggest resort hotels of Slavske (at the same time can accommodate 120 persons), placing in rooms «Apartments», «Family», «First Semi class», «Two-room»
In-room facilities: lavatory, television set, balcony
Infrastructure: restaurant-dining-room, bar, karaoke, gym, table tennis, shooting-gallery, Russian and American billiards, darts, computer games, station of rental of sports equipment, playing room for children, library, child's ground, parking place, conference hall for 80 persons, SPA-center.
Service: rental of mountain-skier equipment, transfer to the railway station, booking of tickets
Board: “All inclusive” is a triple feed with the swizzles of domestic production without limitations. Breakfast, dinner and supper, including smorgasbord